As an agency, the Center Against Sexual And Domestic Abuse celebrates PRIDE, welcomes clients of all identities, and promotes safety in all relationships. We see you! We have loved participating in the Twin Ports Pride Parade in previous years, and we are equally pleased to join this year’s virtual festivities.
In recognition of Pride, CASDA’s Campus Sexual Assault Advocate, Samantha, put together a short VIDEO showcasing a bit of what Pride means personally to several of our advocates as well as to CASDA as a whole. Stay tuned for a longer version to follow next week!
In this especially difficult time, we hope that many people are able to draw strength and a sense of community from this weekend’s festival, despite its new format.
From the group’s mission statement: Duluth Superior Pride “serves the Duluth-Superior Area’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, allied, queer, intersex, and two-spirit community by celebrating the GLBTAQI2S community’s diversity and promoting understanding, education, acceptance, respect, healthy living and loving, self-esteem and equality. We seek both to promote a positive image of the GLBTAQI2S community and to end discrimination based upon sexual orientation or sexual identity.” CASDA affirms this mission and stands with Pride!
Find Duluth Superior Pride online at and on Facebook at
Visit our mini-video here: CASDA 2020 Pride Video (Short). *The “full version” referred to in the video isn’t quite ready yet, but we will share it ASAP!